Jeff Zorrilla 傑夫 索里亞
Jeff Zorrilla was born in 1984 in the United States. He studied film at the University of Santa cruz (California, USA), and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). He currently lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s directed numerous short films in Super 8 and is currently working on his first feature-length documentary, “Monger”.
My girlfriend and I adopted Nicanor in 2013 from a shelter that rescues cats from a nearby park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Against our best intentions not to flood social media with images of our cat, Nicanor invariably has come to be the star of our film and photography work. He’s known for his playfulness, curiosity and his wild adventures into the park and surprised neighbors apartments.
Nica Discovers the Park
Nicanor travels to a distant land where he studies the ecology of the terrain and the social habits of the indigenous population.
Nicanor is our guide through a fractured look at an incomplete whole of the city of Buenos Aires.