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卡若琳‧詩妮曼 Carolee Schneemann



Carolee Schneemann, a groundbreaking performance and multidisciplinary artist, has used film and video since the 1960s. Shattering taboos and redefining the notion of the erotic, she confronts sexuality, gender, and the social construction of the female body. Her seminal performances of the 1970s were as transgressive as they were influential. Schneemann continues to provoke, as she explores female sexuality in relation to art-making, ritual, and culture.

Carolee Schneemann. Infinity Kisses – The Movie, 2008.

Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York. 


《無盡之吻》 Infinity Kisses


(紀念兩隻愛貓: Cluny 1980-1988。Vesper 1990-1998)

Infinity Kisses - The Movie completes Schneemann's exploration of human and feline sensual communication. It incorporates extracts of the original 124 self-shot 35mm color slide photo sequence, Infinity Kisses, in which the expressive self-determination of the ardent cat was recorded over an eight-year period. Infinity Kisses - The Movie recomposes these images into a video, in which each dissolving frame is split between its full image and a hugely enlarged detail.

Cluny 1980 - 1988. Vesper 1990 - 1998. Incorporating "Infinity Kisses," Self-shot 35mm Photo Grid. Edited: Carolee Schneemann, Trevor Shimizu, Rick Silva. Sound: Rick Silva, Carolee Schneemann. With thanks: Alex Sweetman. To the memory of Diane Buckler 1956 - 2008. Electronic Arts Intermix. (c) Carolee Schneeman 2008.

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