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**世界首映 World Premiere
帶谷有理 (Obitani, Yuri)

日本作曲家、電影導演及歌手-詞曲創作者。1980年代開始活躍於前衛藝術。電影作品包括《毛髮歌劇》(The Hair Opera, 1993)、《野巫女》(Wild Shaman Maiden, 2007)。此次放映《你的入侵者》(Your Intruder, 2018)為他的全新作品,在第三屆貓影展世界首映。
An Japanese composer, filmmaker and singer-songwriter who actives in the avant-garde arts since ‘80s. Filmography includes: “The Hair Opera (毛髪歌劇)” 1993, “Wild Shaman Maiden (野巫女)” 2007.
Original title: あなたの侵入者(Your Intruder)
Cast: Tomoya Johdoi
Director: Yuri Obitani
Screenplay: Yuri Obitani
Camera: Kazuya Kitao
Year of production: 2018
An episode about a morbid man who is nervously frustrated by a small animal, supposedly a cat intruding his own property (land).

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