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Cyprien Nozières

copyright Annabelle Lourenço.jpg

希畢安‧諾梓耶童年在法國沃克呂茲泉山上成長。1982年出生到2000年之間,諾梓耶在普羅旺斯天空下學習種植及觀察植物。他的藝術學習一開始在馬賽,之後則是到普瓦捷小鎮,他勤奮地學習各種不同形式的西方藝術。之後因為好奇心驅使,他與兩位朋友開始接觸印地安大眾電影。他們在孟買及德里拍攝一部名為《哈囉寶萊塢》(Hello Bollywood)。因為這部影片諾梓耶後來到了巴黎,在那裡他被交付了幾個課題:首先是完成DVD版本,再來則是動畫、音樂錄影帶還有廣告版本。今日,他和他的女友以及一隻貓,定居在巴黎。​

It’s on top of a hill from Vaucluse (France) that Cyprien Nozières spent his childhood. From his birth in 1982 and the year 2000, under the Provencal sky, he developed the ability to grow plants by looking at them fixedly. He eventually had to drop this activity in order to devote himself entirely to his art studies. First in Marseille and then in an obscure town named Poitiers, he focused assiduously on the various forms taught by westerner’s Fine Arts. Curious to go further, he went with two old friends to learn about the mysteries of Indian popular cinema. They shot in Bombay and in Delhi, the documentary called Hello Bollywood. As a result, Cyprien was hosted in the city of Paris. There he met people who gave him tasks to do: first in the DVD edition, then in animations, music videos and commercials. Today it is still in the heights, on top of a Parisian building where he lives with his girlfriend and a cat, that he develops new extraordinary capabilities!

《薛丁格的貓》(Le chat de Schrödinger, 2006)

(partie 1 de « Tout est super lumineux »), by Cyprien Nozières (codir. Thomas Bernard), 2006, 1’40’’, digital file, France





Transcender la matière ! Aller à l’essence du monde et de ses fondements ! À partir des théories de la physique fondamentale actuelle, ce film tout en super-visiophonie révèle la réalité comme nous ne pouvons l’imaginer.

Tropical Leaves
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