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捲毛 Curly


Curly is a 2½ year old tabby. When he’s at home in NYC, he spends his mornings and evenings in the community garden adjacent to our apartment in Manhattan’s East Village. When we are out on Long Island, he spends those same hours wandering the beach and the fields around the house. He is an extraordinarily affectionate cat. 


比爾‧莫里森 Bill Morrison



莫里森的作品包括:《Decasia》(2002)、《Spark of Being》(2010)、《The Miners’ Hymns》(2011)、《The Great Flood》(2013) 《Dawson City: Frozen Time》(2016)、《The Unchanging Sea》(2018)。他的作品DVD《Bill Morrison: Collected Works (1996–2013)》(2014)由Icarus Films(北美)和BFI(英國)發行:

Curly Takes a Bath By The Sea 1.jpeg

導演/攝影:捲毛 Curly

製作/剪接:比爾‧莫里森 Bill Morrison

音樂:比爾‧佛雷賽 Bill Frisell

5 mins, 2020

比爾‧佛雷賽為這部短片配樂,紀念哈爾‧威爾納(Hal Willner)

《捲毛海邊日光浴》(Curly Takes a Bath by the Sea, 2020)  5' 

《捲毛的感恩節》(Curly’s Thanksgiving, 2020) 12'


導演/攝影:捲毛 Curly

製作/剪接:比爾‧莫里森 Bill Morrison




Curly's Thanksgiving 1.jpg
Beach cats 1.jpg


導演:比爾‧莫里森Bill Morrison


《海灘貓》(Beach Cats, 2020)  2'

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