Taiwan International
Cat Film Festival

About Us

芹澤洋一郎 (Yoichiro Serizawa)

進入大學後,我創作了一系列依賴「痛感」的「血腥電影」(bloody films),但最終走進了死胡同。 後來,我從布列松(Robert Bresson)和奧山純一(Junichi Okuyama)的電影中學到「主題與技術的統一」是創造獨特電影體驗的關鍵,於是轉換了創作風格。 1990年代,我發表了許多電影作品,並在日本國內外獲得高度讚譽。在經歷20年的空白後,我於2016年以《Survival 5+3》重啟製作。《殺人相機》(16mm/3分鐘/1996年)榮獲舊金山國際電影節「新視野獎」,成為首位獲此獎項的日本導演。
Born in 1963. When I was 17 years old, my first 8mm film, which I made to express “the disgust of high school life,” was selected for the “Pia Film Festival 81. It was a life-changing experience for me as I learned about the world of personal and experimental films.
After entering university, I made a series of “bloody films” relying on my “sense of pain,” but hit a dead end.
Later, from the works of Robert Bresson and Junichi Okuyama, I learned that “unity of subject matter and technique” is the key to creating a unique cinematic experience, and switched my style. In the 1990s, I released many works, which were highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad. After a 20-year gap, I resumed production in 2016 with Survival 5+3. Murder Camera (16mm Film/3min/1996) won the New Vision Award at the San Francisco International Film Festival. It was the first Japanese filmmaker to receive the award.
《兔子,奔跑》(Rabbit, Run) 8mm, 3', 1991
All things have “outlines.” However, at the time, I felt that the square frames of films and the outlines of the subject's body were an obstacle to creating a film work. Therefore, in this work, I aimed for a free overlapping of contour lines. However, because of the multiple exposures shot on 8mm film, the outlines were blurred and fuzzy. Therefore, in next own work, Synthetic Human I used optical printer compositing with 16mm film to maintain the strength of the outlines. In this work, the image of the cat appears only briefly, but I like that cut very much.

《大阪的合成人間》(Synthetic Human in Osaka) digital, 7', 2022
這部作品已正式受邀於2022年日本Image Forum Festival影展,以及2024年韓國EXiS實驗電影影展放映。
An excerpt from Rehabilitation of Synthetic Human (digital/49min/1993-2022).
Based on material shot by Yasuko Miyata, who lives in Osaka, I composited and edited the images to depict the interaction between “seeing and being seen” and “touching and being touched”.
Rehabilitation of Synthetic Human is a sequel to Synthetic Human made in 1993, 30 years later.
The theme is the accurate objectification of human vision. When we see “something,” it is on our retina, but the vision in our mind is not the only “something.” We feel ourselves seeing things as “something,” and sometimes we turn our attention to the inside of “something.” Sometimes we are aware of the inside of “something.” We see both memories and delusions at the same time.
This work was officially invited for screening at Image Forum Festival 2022 (Japan) and EXiS 2024 (Korea).