Taiwan International
Cat Film Festival

About Us

宮田靖子 (Yasuko Miyata)

宮田靖子於1956年出生,並於1977年創立了FILM MAKERS FIELD (FMF),專注於製作和放映獨立電影作品。特別是Personal Focus這個以獨立電影風格為主的8釐米電影影展(每部片片長3分鐘),自1978年至2010年共舉辦了21屆。
Yasuko Miyata was born in 1956, and founded FILM MAKERS FIELD (FMF) that a filmmaker’s group, to produce and screens an independent films and video works in 1977.
Especially, Personal Focus, an independent-style 3min 8mm film festival, counted 21times during 1978~2010. In 2013 Miyata moved Osaka with her cat named "Omatsu", and goes on making films and screening intermittently.
《Cat-e-gory》5', 1982
《cat-e-gory》(5’, 1982)是一部實驗電影作品。愛德華·莫伊布里奇(Muybridge)電影中的貓的剪影在畫面中上下奔跑。
Cat-e-gory is an experimental film. The silhouette of E. Muybridge's cat in motion pictures runs going up and down in a forest.

《Cat-a-logue》3', 1982
《17歲的夏天》(Seventeen Summer) 3', 1996
我的貓Jolie她伴隨著Pink Lady的流行歌曲《UFO》,遊覽博多(Hakata)的風景。
Cat-a-logue is my cat"Jolie“, she dose sightseeing the landscape of Hakata to the pop song of PINK-LADY's UFO.
And "Jolie“grew up to seventeen. Seventeen summer is the sketch of oldest her.

《Shirajira》(白々) 12', 2024
Shirajira is one of the omnibus film Kurobenigunjoshirolemon (黒紅群青白檸檬). This film is a collabration of 4 women film-makers made on ‘colour’, and my part was ’shiro'(white).
Shirajira synopses about white or brightly growing at dawn, growing light, daydream, cats (Toi & Nico) in the shining light, the white moon rises on the daylight.